How to Stop Being Antisocial: 11 Steps to Success

Written by Terencio White

Hello there. Let's get straight to the point—life can be a lonely struggle when you don't know how to stop being antisocial. But here's the silver lining: you're not in this alone. Whether you're dealing with antisocial tendencies or you're a worried family member looking for guidance, this post serves as your navigational tool.

Antisocial Questions to Consider

  1. What social situations make you most uncomfortable, and why?
  2. Have you ever sought professional help for your antisocial tendencies?
  3. What small step can you take this week to improve your social interactions?
  4. Are there people in your life who support your journey towards becoming more social? Who are they?
  5. What’s one social skill you wish you were better at?
  6. Can you identify any environmental factors from your upbringing that may have contributed to your antisocial behavior?
  7. How do you typically react when you're invited to a social gathering? Do you go, or find an excuse to avoid it?
  8. Do you have a "safe space" where you feel more comfortable being social? What makes it safe for you?
  9. What would your life look like if you were more socially active? Paint a picture in your mind.
  10. Are you open to trying treatments like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to improve your social skills?

What Exactly Does Antisocial Mean?

Being antisocial isn't a one-size-fits-all label. Sure, it's a broad term that includes a variety of behaviors where someone might prefer their own company over social interactions. But it can also mean actions that are harmful to others, often stemming from deeper mental health issues or even a diagnosed mental health condition.

But Why Should I Care?

Engagement isn't just a 'nice-to-have'; it's essential for your emotional and physical well-being. It's not just about societal norms; it's about living a balanced life. Ignoring this aspect of yourself can lead to more severe mental health issues down the line, such as depression.

Ready to Take the Plunge? Let's Dive Deep

Okay, so you're convinced you want to make a change. But where do you start? Look, I get it. Stepping into new social settings can feel like venturing into uncharted territory.

Take Baby Steps

Start by accepting an invitation to a casual social event, or join a group with common interests. It's all about positive reinforcement. Reward yourself for those mini-victories and watch how they add up.

Use Social Media Wisely

Social media: it's a double-edged sword. While it can be a stepping stone, excessive use can lead to social isolation. So use it as a tool, not a crutch. Engage in meaningful conversations and avoid the rabbit hole of endless scrolling.

Develop Social Skills

Being social is an art and a science. From mastering body language to understanding social cues, these are abilities you can learn. Consider engaging in cognitive behavioral therapy or joining support groups that focus on building these critical social skills.

How to Stop Being Antisocial: Let's Talk Mental Health

mental health transformation

Mental health is the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. But here's the thing: you can't separate your mental well-being from your social behavior. Whether you've been formally diagnosed with a social anxiety or you're just dealing with the occasional bout of social awkwardness, professional help can be a significant change.

Mental Health Providers Are Your Friends

Sometimes, you need an expert to guide you. Consult with a healthcare provider about treatment options, such as medications or therapy. You don't have to walk this path alone.

Your Environment Plays a Role, Too

It's easy to underestimate the impact of your surroundings. Your environment, including your family dynamics and upbringing, can significantly influence your social behaviors. Even experiences from your young adult years can leave a lasting impact.

Genetic factors or Environmental: What's the Deal?

While there's a genetic aspect to antisocial behavior, environmental factors such as your upbringing and even your education can shape your social abilities. It's an opportunity for growth.

Signs of Antisocial Personality Disorder: Key Things to Look For

people connecting the pieces to antisocial behavior

What is Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)?

Antisocial Personality Disorder, commonly referred to as ASPD, is a mental health condition characterized by a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others. It's not just about avoiding social interactions; it goes deeper, often involving a disregard for ethical and cultural norms.

Note: If you identify with multiple signs listed below, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider for a formal diagnosis and treatment options.

Easily Identifiable Signs

1. Lack of Empathy

Do you find it hard to understand or share the emotions of others? A lack of empathy is often one of the first red flags.

2. Manipulative Behavior

If you often find yourself manipulating people to get your way, it could be a sign of ASPD.

3. Disregard for Rules

A common trait of ASPD is a blatant disregard for societal rules and norms, often resulting in legal issues.

4. Difficulty Forming Close Relationships

Struggling to form close, meaningful relationships can be a sign. If people often seem like mere tools to you, take note.

5. Impulsivity

Acting without thinking about the consequences is a frequent characteristic. This can manifest in financial recklessness, substance abuse, or rash decision-making.

6. Persistent Lying

If you find it second nature to lie or deceive others, this could be a significant warning sign.

7. Lack of Guilt

After manipulating or hurting someone, do you feel a lack of remorse or guilt? This emotional detachment is a key sign.

8. Aggressive Behavior

Frequent aggressive behaviors or a tendency to get into physical fights can be another sign of ASPD.

9. Risky Behaviors

Engaging in dangerous activities without considering potential outcomes may point to antisocial personality disorder.

How to Stop Being Antisocial: 11 Practical Tips

tips for antisocial behavior

Alright, you've read all about the why and the what. But let's get to the meat of the matter—the how. What are the best ways to actively change your behavior? 

Step 1: Expand Your Social Circle

Hanging out with the same old crowd? It's time to meet new people. Sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone involves expanding your social circles. Attend social gatherings or events where you can make new friends. Remember, great friendships often start from common ground.

Step 2: Evaluate Your Environment

Look around you. Are your surroundings conducive to social engagement? If you’re spending a lot of time alone, consider revamping your social setting. Maybe start by frequenting a local coffee shop or taking part in community events.

Step 3: The Right Time for the Right Steps

Timing is everything. If you've been putting off joining a social event, maybe it's time to stop procrastinating. Use to-do lists to plan your social activities and stick to them. There's no time like the present, right?

Step 4: Assess Financial Obligations

This might sound odd, but yes, socializing can sometimes come with a price tag. Whether it’s dining out or attending events, make sure you’re financially prepared. This way, you can engage in social settings without the added stress of financial obligations.

Step 5: Seek Professional Support

Sometimes, antisocial behavior is a symptom of deeper issues, like a personality condition. In such cases, medical attention may be necessary. Consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

The Emotional Aspect: Feelings and Consequences

We can't talk about antisocial behavior without acknowledging the emotional toll it can take. The consequences of your actions or lack thereof can lead to feelings of guilt or even aggressive behavior. It's crucial to be aware of these emotional aspects as you work on improving.

Step 6: Develop Emotional Intelligence

Understanding people's expectations and the emotional weight of social interactions is key. Work on your empathy and emotional intelligence to navigate social environments better. Trust me, it's a powerful tool.

Step 7: Check Your Habits

Heavy drinking or drug use can exacerbate antisocial tendencies. If you find that you're leaning on substances to cope, it may be time to seek professional support for that as well. Also, be careful of the group of friends that only want to be social if you're drinking. If there is a patter of 2-3 times a week, talk to someone close to you outside of that circle to advise on any patterns they may recognize.

Step 8: Reflect on Your Relationships

They built healthy relationships on mutual respect and understanding. Assess the quality of your close relationships and attempt to improve them. Are your primary caregivers or closest friends supportive of your journey to become more social?

Make sure you have a strong support system in place. Just being open about how you fell and getting feedback to the friend and family member closest too you can have an enormous impact on your overall wellbeing.

Step 9: Positive Reinforcement: The Power of Small Wins

Rome wasn't built in a day, right? We filled the journey to becoming more social with difficulties. It's super easy to get discouraged if you're only focused on the big picture. That's where positive reinforcement comes in. 

Celebrate your small wins, whether it's successfully starting a conversation with a stranger or attending a social event you'd typically avoid. Each minor victory is a stepping stone to a more social you. Give yourself a pat on the back; you've earned it.

Step 10: Set Achievable Goals: Your Roadmap to Success

Dreams without goals are just, well, dreams. Want to become more social? You've got to set achievable goals. Start by breaking down your aspirations into manageable tasks. For instance, if you aim to have more friends, start by initiating conversations with two new people this week.

Use to-do lists to keep track and hold yourself accountable. Every checked box brings you one step near your dream social life.

Step 11: Professional Help: No Shame in Seeking Expertise

Look, nobody said you have to do this alone. If you find that your antisocial tendencies are deeply rooted or causing you distress, it might be time to bring in the experts. Whether it's a therapist, a counselor, or a medical doctor, these professionals can provide personalized strategies to help you tackle your challenges head-on.

Especially if you're dealing with more severe cases, like personality disorders or conduct disorders, seeking expert advice isn't just smart; it's crucial.

Wrapping It Up: Your Journey Starts Now

Look, there's no magic wand to wave away antisocial behavior. But there is hard work, commitment, and the promise of a more fulfilling social life at the end of the tunnel. So take that first step; your future social butterfly self will thank you.


Why am I so shy and awkward?

First off, you're not alone in feeling this way. Many people feel shy or awkward in social settings, and it's totally okay. Shyness often stems from a fear of negative judgment, while feeling "awkward" can result from not knowing how to act in social situations.

Sometimes, it's just how you're wired, and other times, experiences can contribute to these feelings. But remember, this isn't set in stone. With practice and maybe some professional guidance, you can build up your social skills and confidence.

Why is it so hard for introverts to be social?

Introversion isn't a flaw; it's just a different way of interacting with the world. For introverts, socializing can be draining rather than energizing. That's because they recharge by spending time alone and may find too much social interaction overwhelming.

It's not that introverts can't be social; it's just that their social battery runs out quicker. The key is to find a balance and social settings that work for you. And guess what? We build some of the most meaningful relationships on quality interactions, not quantity.

Is it unhealthy to be antisocial?

Being antisocial can be a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, everyone needs a little "me time" to recharge and reflect. But if you find that you're consistently avoiding social interactions or that your lack of socializing is affecting your emotional well-being, then it might be a cause for concern.

In extreme cases, antisocial behavior can be a sign of a more serious issue like Antisocial Personality Disorder, which definitely requires professional help. So, if you're worried, it might be worth speaking to a healthcare provider.

Is it normal to get more antisocial with age?

As we age, our social circles shrink, and that's pretty normal. You might become more selective about who you spend your time with, valuing quality over quantity. Life responsibilities like work, family, and health can also make socializing less of a priority.

 Becoming too antisocial can lead to feelings of loneliness and may even affect your mental health. So, while it's normal to see some changes, a complete withdrawal from social activities isn't ideal and might be something to look into.

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I'm not a healthcare provider, therapist, or any kind of medical professional. The insights and tips shared in this blog post are all about getting you into the right mindset to tackle antisocial behavior. But remember, every individual's experience is unique. So, if you're facing serious issues, it's always best to consult with a qualified healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Some links on our blog may be affiliate links, which means we may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through them.

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