Kinesthetic Learning: Definition & Examples

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October 20  

Kinesthetic Learning Definition:

Kinesthetic learning is an educational approach where individuals best gain knowledge through physical activities and experiences. This style of learning is rooted because some people process information most effectively when they are physically engaged in the learning process. Activities such as hands-on experiments, crafting, athletic endeavors, and even casual body movements like doodling or walking can facilitate learning for kinesthetic individuals. The core principle is the symbiotic relationship between the brain and the body, which helps in better retention and application of learned material.

The Science Behind Kinesthetic Learning

The VARK Model

Firstly, it’s essential to understand the VARK model, which categorizes learners into four types: Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, and Kinesthetic.


Visual learners excel when presented with images, charts, and graphs. They often doodle or draw to grasp the concepts better.


Auditory learners prefer to absorb information through listening. They benefit from lectures, audio books, and discussions.


This group favors written words. Reading textbooks and writing notes are their go-to methods.


Finally, kinesthetic learners thrive through physical experiences. These can be experiments, field trips, or even athletic activities.

Brain and Body Connection

For kinesthetic learners, the brain and body function as a unit. The physical engagement aids in cementing the information in their minds.

Characteristics of Kinesthetic Learners

Physical Engagement

Kinesthetic learners are usually active and find it challenging to sit still for extended periods. Their learning is enhanced when they can move, walk around, or engage in physical activities.

Hands-On Experience

These learners excel when they can touch, feel, and experience the subject. Hands-on activities like lab experiments, crafting, and cooking are ideal learning platforms for them.

Use of Gestures and Body Language

They communicate using a lot of body language and gestures. Even when explaining concepts, they’re likely to act them out.

Benefits of Kinesthetic Learning

Enhanced Memory Retention

Physical engagement can substantially boost memory retention. When you involve your body in the learning process, it becomes easier to remember concepts.

Improved Focus

Kinesthetic learners often find it easier to focus when they’re physically involved. This engagement keeps their minds from wandering.

Real-World Application

The hands-on approach of kinesthetic learning makes it easier to apply the learned knowledge in real-world situations.

Challenges Faced by Kinesthetic Learners

Classroom Struggles

Traditional classrooms focus on lectures and reading, which can be challenging for kinesthetic learners to adapt to.

Difficulty with Abstract Concepts

Kinesthetic learners may find it hard to grasp abstract concepts that can’t be physically experienced or acted out.

Practical Examples of Kinesthetic Learning

In Education
Science Labs

Lab experiments in subjects like chemistry and physics provide a perfect platform for kinesthetic learners. These activities allow them to physically engage with the subject.

Art Classes

Painting, sculpture, and other art activities are also great avenues for hands-on learning.

In Professional Settings

Interactive workshops, such as team-building exercises or product assembly tasks, can be particularly beneficial for kinesthetic learners.

Team-building Exercises

Physical activities or group tasks that require physical participation are also effective learning methods.

How to Adapt Traditional Learning Methods for Kinesthetic Learners

Strategies for Teachers

If you’re an educator, consider incorporating more physical activities into your lessons. Use interactive methods like group activities, experiments, and field trips to engage kinesthetic learners.

Strategies for Learners

If you’re a kinesthetic learner, try to adapt traditional learning materials to suit your style. For example, you could turn a historical timeline into a physical timeline on your room’s wall. Or, you could create a model to understand a complex scientific concept better.


Understanding the kinesthetic learning style can provide many benefits for both learners and educators. It’s an effective way to engage learners physically, enhancing memory retention and focus. While traditional classrooms may pose challenges, there are ample ways to adapt and benefit from this hands-on learning approach.
